Thomas Louf

Thomas Louf
I started my PhD in November 2019 at IFISC, and am currently studying the coexistence of languages in multilingual societies, using Twitter data to evaluate existing models of inter-language competition.
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Publicacions recents

Complexity in Computational Sociolinguistics: Exploring the Interplay between Geography, Culture and the Social Fabric

Louf, Thomas (Supervisors: Ramasco, José J.; Sánchez, David)
PhD Thesis (2023)

Capturing the diversity of multilingual societies

Louf, Thomas; Sánchez, David; Ramasco José J.
Physical Review Research 3, 043146 (2021)

Dynamic noise maps for Ljubljana airport

Ganić, Emir; van Oosten, Nico; Meliveo, Luis; Jeram, Sonja; Louf, Thomas; Ramasco, Jose Javier
SESAR Innovation Days, SESAR JRU, 2020, (2020)

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