Enrico Ser-Giacomi

Enrico Ser-Giacomi
  • Campus Universitat de les Illes Balears
    E-07122 Palma de Mallorca. Spain
  • Oficina 106
  • +34 971 17 13 15
  • Contact

Research Interests and Expertise:

Nonlinearity, bifurcations and chaos
Advection in chaotic flows

Statistical properties, local and global analysis of complex networks
Temporal, weighted, and space-embedded networks
Conservation rules and symmetries in networks built from physical connections

Atmospheric and oceanic fluid dynamics 
Climate dynamics
Lagrangian transport phenomena 

Publicacions recents

Deviation from neutral species abundance distributions unveils geographical differences in the structure of diatom communities

Pigani, E; Hay Mele, B; Campese, L; Ser-Giacomi, E; Ribera, M; Iudicone, D; Suweis,S
Science Advances 10, (2024)

A Lagrangian model for drifting ecosystems reveals heterogeneity-driven enhancement of marine plankton blooms

Ser-Giacomi, Enrico; Martinez-Garcia, Ricardo; Dutkiewicz, Stephanie; Follows, Micheal J.
Nature Communications 14, 6092 (2023)

Lagrangian studies in the Western Mediterranean Sea

Rojas Martinez, Ivonne (supervisors: C. Lopez, E. Ser-Giacomi)
Master Thesis (2023)

Network-based measure of the finite size Lyapunov exponent

Antich Navarro, Joan (supervisors Enrico Ser-Giacomi and Cristobal Lopez))
Master Thesis (2022)

Lagrangian betweenness as a measure of bottlenecks in dynamical systems with oceanographic examples

Ser-Giacomi, E.; Baudena, A.; Rossi, V.; Follows, M.; Clayton, S.; Vasile, R.; Lopez, C.; Hernandez-Garcia, E.
Nature Communications 12, 4935 (1-14) (2021)

Projectes de recerca recents i vigents


Lagrangian transport of marIne litter and microplastics in coastal waters: structures of transport and connectivity patterns

I.P.: Emilio Hernández-García, Cristóbal López
The aim of this project is to further understand the role of oceanic transport in marine litter (microplastics and meso/macrolitter) dispersion and accumulation areas in the sea surface, along the water column ...


Maria de Maeztu 2023-2026

I.P.: Ernesto Estrada, Ingo Fischer, Emilio Hernández-García, Rosa Lopez, Claudio Mirasso, Jose Javier Ramasco, Raúl Toral, Roberta Zambrini
After 15 years of its existence, IFISC can point to a proven track record of impactful research. The previous 2018-2022 MdM award has significantly enhanced the institute's capabilities, as demonstrated by an ...

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