Alessandro Sozza

Alessandro Sozza
Main subject of my research is focused on statistical properties of turbulence, with particular attention to active scalars and transport of buoyant and inertial particles. Applications of these studies can be found in geophysical flows, such as ocean and atmosphere, as well as in biophysical processes. One crucial problem in the oceanography concerns the interplay between turbulence and phytoplankton ecology (small-scale clustering, thin phytoplankton layer, sedimentation, nutrient uptake).
I'm also interested in theoretical issues in turbulence theory, for example regarding the dimensional transition from 2D to 3D systems.

Publicacions recents

Accumulated densities of sedimenting particles in turbulent flows

Sozza, Alessandro; Drotos, Gabor; Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Lopez, Cristobal
Physics of Fluids 32, 075104 (1-11) (2020)

Inertial floaters in stratified turbulence

A. Sozza, F. De Lillo and G. Boffetta
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 121, 14002 (2018)

Point-particle method to compute diffusion-limited cellular uptake

A. Sozza, F. Piazza, M. Cencini, F. De Lillo, and G. Boffetta
Physical Review E 97, 023301 (2018)

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