L'IFISC organitza la conferència 'Crossroads in Complex Systems'

14 de setembre de 2016

On occasion of IFISC 10th anniversary next 2017. we have organised the Conference "Crossroads in Complex Systems". The conference will take place next June, 5-8


Thematic keynote, invited and contributed talks, a poster session, round-table discussions and a 
public event will contribute to a rich program. The conference aims to represent a broad spectrum
of topics on Complex Systems as wide, at least, as the IFISC range of research lines. 

Keynote speakers (confirmed): 

Round table panelists: 

  • Albert Diaz Guilera (UBICS: University of Barcelona Institute of Complex Systems and Complexitat.cat, Barcelona, Spain) 
  • Henrik J. Jensen (Center for Complexity Science, IC London, UK) 
  • Yamir Moreno (President of the Complex Systems Society (CSS) and BIFI, Zaragoza, Spain) 
  • Luciano Pietronero (Institute for Complex Systems (ISC-CNR) and University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy) 
  • Jan M. Rost (Director MPI for the Physics of Complex Systems (MPIPKS), Dresden, Germany) 
  • Angel Sanchez (President of ComplejiMad and University Carlos III de Madrid, Spain) 
  • Stefan Thurner (President of Complexity Science Hub and Medical University Vienna, Austria) 

 Call for papers (abstract submission) and registration will open December 1st on the conference webpage: http://crossroads2017.ifisc.uib-csic.es/ 

For further information please e-mail to: crossroads2017@ifisc.uib-csic.es

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