Sociomeeting: A PhD journey in ABMs for social systems

Broadcast soon

In this talk I would like to present a summary of the projects I will include in my thesis. The projects encompass different settings such as epidemics, game-theory and urban mobility, all through the lens of agent based models with varying degrees of detail. This talk is held at the start of my final year as a PhD student, and thus I would appreciate any insight and ideas of how you think the project's concepts could be presented in a thesis format. In particular, how social systems and their models deviate from Physics in the standard curriculum. After the talk, which I will keep on the brief end, I invite attendants to start a discussion on which ideas and works are of major interest for physicists trying to understand the connection of physics with agent based modelling, statistics and the data revolution in modelling we have seen in the past few decades.

Detalls de contacte:

Juan Fernández Gracia

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