Single-electron source : Adiabatic versus non-adiabatic emission regimes

  • Talk

  • Michael Moskalets
  • Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • 14 de març de 2012 a les 12:00
  • IFISC Meeting Room
  • Announcement file

Within the same analytically solvable model of an on-demand single-electron source emitting particles into a chiral edge state we compare adiabatic and non-adiabatic emission regimes and find that the effects predicted for the particles emitted adiabatically can also be expected for the particles emitted non-adiabatically. In particular this conclusion concerns the effects arising due to the overlap of wave-packets of particles propagating within different edge states at the quantum point contact connecting these edge states. The example we consider is the shot noise suppression effect taking place in both adiabatic and non-adiabatic emission regimes. On the other hand we find a striking difference between two regimes if the particles are emitted simultaneously into the same edge state.

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Manuel Matías

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