Reasons for why the brain wiring's might use more than one decay scale

  • IFISC Seminar

  • Ruedi Stoop
  • Institute of Neuroinformatics, Universität Zürich / ETH Zürich, Switzerland
  • 30 de maig de 2013 a les 14:30
  • IFISC Seminar Room
  • Announcement file

We have studied to what extent cortical columns with their particular wiring can boost neural computation. Upon a vast survey of columnar networks performing various real-world cognitive tasks, we detect no signs of enhancement. It is on a mesoscopic–intercolumnar–scale that the existence of columns, largely
irrespective of their inner organization, enhances the speed of information transfer and minimizes the total
wiring length required to bind distributed columnar computations towards spatiotemporally coherent
We suggest that brain efficiency may be related to a doubly fractal connectivity law, resulting in
networks with efficiency properties beyond those by scale-free networks and we exhibit corroborating
evidence for this suggestion.

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Manuel Matías

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