Quantum and classical computing with exciton-polaritons

  • Talk

  • Michal Matuszewski
  • Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences
  • 14 de maig de 2024 a les 12:00
  • Zoom Seminar
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Michal Matuszewski

Michał Matuszewski received the Ph.D. degree in theoretical physics from the University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, in 2007. He held a post-doctoral position at The Australian National University, Canberra ACT, Australia, for three years. In 2010, he returned to Warsaw where he established a polariton theory group. He is currently a Professor with the Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. His interests include nonlinear phenomena in semiconductor exciton–polariton systems and quantum fluids and optical neural networks.

MdM Quantum seminar

Exciton-polaritons are quantum quasiparticles that appear in the regime of strong light-matter coupling. They can be realized in a wide range of semiconductor materials, including inorganic semiconductors such as GaAs and CdTe, organic semiconductors, two-dimensional materials and perovskites. Their uniqueness lies in that they combine the properties of both light and matter, resulting in excellent transport and strong interparticle interactions. In this talk I will discuss the applications of exciton-polaritons in classical and quantum computing, including reservoir computing, all-optical systems, and quantum neural networks.

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Detalls de contacte:

Miguel C. Soriano

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