Presentation of new IFISC projects

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-Air transport as information and computing, ERC Starting Grant (M. Zannin)

-POSTDIGITAL: Neuromorphic computing in photonic and other nonlinear media, ITN (I. Fischer)

-VPP4Islands: Virtual Power Plant for Interoperable and Smart isLANDS (P. Colet)

-Reinforcement of research and training on power grid instability control (P. Colet)

-Impact of social distancing measures on the spreading of COVID-19 pandemics in Spain (J. Ramasco)

-Influence of new models of touristic accommodation on residential housing: Big Data economic analysis (J. Ramasco)

-QUAREC: Machine learning with quantum reservoir computing (R. Zambrini)

-ESPoM: Ecosystemic Services in Posidonia oceanica Meadows. Numerical models and predictions (T. Sintes)

Detalls de contacte:

Llorenç Serra

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