Organization, Robustness, and Development of cortical networks

  • Talk

  • Marcus Kaiser
  • International University Bremen, Germany
  • 24 de juny de 2004 a les 14:30
  • Sala de Juntes, Ed. Mateu Orfila
  • Announcement file

Biological networks such as metabolic as well as neural or cortical
networks and their large-scale properties have received increasing
attention in recent time. I will mainly present results on cortical
networks, consisting of cortical areas and fibre connections between
them, and also some results on metabolic and protein-protein interaction
networks. First, I will examine how the small-world, scale-free and
multi-cluster properties of cortical networks influence robustness
towards structural damage. Then, I will describe a biologically
motivated developmental algorithm to grow networks that are similar to
cortical as well as other \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'spatial\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' networks (transportation systems,
metabolic networks). As a by-product, the algorithm can yield
multi-cluster networks with optimal wiring. Finally, I will give an
outlook on the relationship between structure and function and the
functional dynamics in cortical networks.

Detalls de contacte:

Víctor M. Eguíluz

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