One year of public outreach in Finland

  • Talk

  • Sabrina Maniscalco
  • Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
  • 8 de novembre de 2011 a les 10:00
  • IFISC Seminar Room
  • Announcement file

In this talk I will present 3 outreach activities that we have organized
in Finland in the framework of the program: "Turku 2011: European
capital of culture". The Quantum Circus is a collaboration between
quantum physicists, performing artists, composers and musicians that has
given rise to a show inspired by basic principles of quantum physics.
The documentary "Insight the light", filmed at the labs of Prof. W.
Lange in Brighton and Prof. S. Haroche in Paris, is a poetic portray of
the most fundamental processes in nature: the interaction between a
photon and an atom. The International Science Day is a festival of
science and art where seven speakers have presented their ideas on
topics such as the mathematics of juggling, maths and musics, the art of
trapped ions and much more.

Detalls de contacte:

Ernesto M. Nicola

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