Entanglement and Quantum Phase Transitions

  • Talk

  • Dr
  • Rolando Somma, Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico -USA
  • 23 de juny de 2004 a les 12:00
  • Sala de Juntes, Ed. Mateu Orfila
  • Announcement file

Characterizing and quantifying entanglement of quantum states in
systems is at the core of a full understanding of the nature of quantum
transitions in matter. Entanglement is a relative notion and, although
measures of entanglement have been defined in the literature, assessing
utility of those measures to characterize quantum phase transitions is
an open problem.

In this seminar I will show how our concept of Generalized Entanglement
[1], a
notion of entanglement that is observer-dependent and goes beyond the
subsystem decomposition, succesfully characterizes different types of
broken-symmetry quantum phase transitions. In particular, we will apply
concept to the Ising model in a transverse magnetic field and the
Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model [2].

[1] H. Barnum, E. Knill, G. Ortiz, L. Viola (2002), PRA v.68 p.032308

[2] R. Somma, G. Ortiz, H. Barnum, E. Knill, L. Viola (2004),
(PRA in press).

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