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Creativity is a fascinating quality of our minds. It is an essential ingredient for innovation, creating beauty, or solving everyday problems. ”Little-C” creativity is particularly indispensable in everyday cognitive functioning, yet research still hasn’t come up with a full account of the psychological and neurobiological mechanisms underpinning it. Since it is multi-faceted and is, by definition, a very high-level process, it is a challenge to create a model which encompasses all stages of the creative process and unifies all its low-level mechanisms.

In this work, we focus on studying creative thinking under the associative theory of creativity. We do so by using a simple dynamical model for undirected search. We evaluate it on a widely-used test for creativity. We want to see whether a simple local search process on a network can lead to finding the solution to a multiply-constrained problem. By using an open-ended process on a closed-solution task we attempt to achieve a unification of the distinct aspects of creative ability.

Supervisors: Raúl Vicente, Víctor Eguiíluz

Tutor: Claudio Mirasso


David Sánchez

Lucas Lacasa

Claudio Mirasso

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Claudio Mirasso

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