Complex Systems and COVID19: three practical cases on how science made (or didn’t make) its way into policy

This talk summarises some complexity-based research work developed over the last year to address different aspects of the COVID19 pandemic: from developing a flexible method to make real-time testing of different non-prophilactic interventions or a load-balancing model that optimally allocated ICU patients across UK hospitals, to the first worldwide experimental validation of the effectiveness of digital contact tracing, carried in Spain. These works have been made in collaboration with several researchers and some of them served as input for policy making both in the UK and Spain. All of them are examples of how Complex Systems approaches can be used to shape our collective response to the COVID19 pandemic. Accordingly, the talk also aims to provide some personal insights and learned lessons on how science can be practically applied and inform policy-making during a pandemic.


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Tobias Galla

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