Open positions for María de Maeztu junior Post-Docs in 2019 (closed)

IFISC offers  four junior postdoc positions to work in any of the strategic  lines of its María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence research program on Information processing in and by Complex Systems.

The research lines cover

L1: Information processing in biological systems

  • Information processing in biochemical networks, brain circuits and structures, and ecological networks
  • Genetic diversity in ecosystems and its response to environmental changes
  • Biodiversity patterns, especially in microbial communities; alternative ways to encode and store information

L2: Brain-inspired analog computing in photonic and electronic systems

  • Hardware implementations of reservoir computing and their applications in telecom and datacom
  • Development of novel computing concepts, theoretical framework for scaling and modelling
  • Autonomous operation of recurrent networks 

L3: Quantum information: decoherence, dissipation, and transmission

  • Emergent quantum phenomena and information retrieval in extended and network systems
  • New functionalities based on nanoelectronic devices
  • Information processing using quantum materials

L4: Information processing in socio-technical systems

  • Evolution of social-system and processing of information: opinion, consensus, meme spreading, fake news, etc.
  • Studies of mobility of people and animals;
  • Data-driven modeling and response of urban systems to external perturbations.

Interested candidates are expected to submit the following documents to:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Brief proposal (maximum 2 page) including
        -Motivation to work at IFISC
        -Research interests
        -Potential synergy to work across 2 or more of the provided strategic research lines
  • Name of two potential references of your previous work
  • For Spanish citizens or foreigners being resident in Spanish territory: Copy of a valid identity document. Foreigners from outside of Spain: copy of the passport.
  • Academic certificate of the PhD degree.

We offer 1+1-year contracts with a gross annual salary of 
26300 €. The contract includes all the benefits of the Spanish public health and social security system.

IFISC’s working environment seeks coherence and integration from diversity, interactions and scientific dialogue. Postdocs are encouraged to develop their own research initiatives and search for different collaborations within IFISC.

Deadline for submission: 15/1/2019, 17:00 CET. Selected candidates will be informed by March 2019.

Expected starting period: preferably during the first half of 2019.

General questions can be addressed by email to:

For more detailed information about specific research programs, you can contact any of the permanent IFISC’s researchers (

Link to the official call.

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