Doctoral Positions on Photonic Computing at Research Center of Excellence on Mallorca


The Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems IFISC (CSIC-UIB), a Research Center of Excellence in Palma de Mallorca, has an opening for 4 PhD positions within the Horizon Europe Doctoral Training Network POST-DIGITAL Plus (

POST-DIGITAL Plus focuses on brain-inspired analog computing with light, exploiting the potential speed and energy advantages that computing with light offers over computing with electrons, and advantages that analog computing offers over digital computing. We will design and implement novel artificial neural networks inspired by the adaptive intelligence of biological brains exploiting parallel processing. POST-DIGITAL Plus brings together 14 leading academic and industrial players (incl. Hewlett Packard, IBM, Thales) in optical and neuromorphic computing. 

The 4 PhD positions are hosted at IFISC ( in Palma de Mallorca (Spain), PhD awarded by the University of the Balearic Islands (

The chosen candidates will work on one of the following research topics:

1) Brain-inspired computing based on Photonic oscillators

This project aims at transfering recent concepts in cognitive neuroscience and machine learning over into the photonic domain.

2) Coupled laser networks for information processing

The project focuses on implementing fiber-coupled semiconductor laser networks for ultra-fast information processing.

3) Optical computing with few-mode and multimode fibers

The project makes use of the spatial information obtained from mode mixing along the fiber propagation in few-mode (multimode) fibers for optical computing.

4) Novel optical reservoir computing architectures with multiple delay loops and amplification

The project aims at designing novel optical reservoir computing architectures using telecom components.

The allocation of topics will be determined following the selection process, taking into consideration the candidates' backgrounds, skills, and areas of interest.


The selected candidates will collaborate closely with Professors Apostolos Argyris, Ingo Fischer, Claudio R. Mirasso, Miguel C. Soriano at IFISC, whose related work can be consulted here (



 IFISC (Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems) is a joint research institute of the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) created in 2007. Its mission is to develop Cross-Disciplinary and Strategic Research in complex systems following the established scientific approach of physicists. IFISC is a “Maria de Maeztu” Unit of Excellence tackling ambitious theoretical and experimental challenges at the interface of physics of complex systems and interdisciplinary applications in biology, ecology, photonics, and socio-technical systems. IFISC stands out for: i) its scientific excellence (only 30 units of excellence across Spain); ii) integrating researchers with diverse origins (15 nationalities); iii) a registered increase in hiring female scientists; iv) its international training and career development programs; v) its transfer of knowledge to industry and public bodies (has its own Data Services and Innovation Units; vi) being a European hub in complex systems (it hosted the 2022 Conference on Complex Systems).

Requirements for the candidate

Candidates with a strong academic record and passionate to work in neuromorphic computing and/or nonlinear photonics are encouraged to send their CV including two references. The PhD position has a duration of 36 months.


  • Physics: Master's Degree or equivalent
  • Engineering: Master's Degree or equivalent 


  • ENGLISH: Excellent

MSCA Eligibility: Applicants must not hold a doctoral degree at the time of recruitment. Researchers who have successfully defended their doctoral thesis but have not yet been formally awarded the degree will also not be considered eligible.

MSCA Mobility: At the core of the MSCA-DNs is the researcher’s mobility. At the time of commencing their employment, researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to their recruitment. Short stays, such as holidays, are not taken into account.


Deadline for application: December 31st 2024. 

For applications, please send CV plus proof of fulfillment of all requirements for these positions to in the first instance.

Starting date: from March 1st 2025, with the possibility of postponement depending on the selected candidates' circumstances.

The successful candidates will receive a very attractive salary consisting of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Living and Mobility Allowances, in line with the rules of the MSCA (2023 call) and the individual circumstances of the successful applicant. If eligible, the successful candidate will also receive a Family Allowance. 

Gross Salary approx. 33700€ per year (yearly amount, maximum 3 years, excluding family allowance)

The salary that will be paid by the employer (CSIC, UIB) includes all corresponding deductions (Spanish law), providing benefits such as national social security and health insurance, maternity/paternity leave, etc.).

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