Cuadro de texto: Linking geometry to dynamics 
(Kaplan-Yorke-like arguments) Cuadro de texto: Du=2-k/l Cuadro de texto: N » l-D ,  or D=liml«0 -(logN/log l)
Cuadro de texto: Dynamics: area decreasing as A0exp(-kt). 
Widths decreasing as l0exp(-lt). Cuadro de texto: Perform the limit with boxes of size l(t)=l0exp(-lt), 
when t« ¥
. Cuadro de texto: N(t)= A0exp(-kt)/l(t)2 
» l-(2-k/l). Cuadro de texto: Dimension of the unstable manifold of the saddle (where particles are at long times) Cuadro de texto: l(t)

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