The workshop will take place in the Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB) Campus.
Lectures will be given in the room n. 215 and in the seminar room of the IFISC building.  See university map.

How to arrive from the airport to the hotel Almudaina (Avinguda de Jaume III):
  • taxi: take a taxi directly at the exit of the arrivals hall. Ask for Avinguda de Jaume III. The taxi costs around 20 euros, and takes about a quarter of an hour.
  • bus: In front of the taxi station, there is a bus stop (line number 1). It takes you from the airport to Passeig de Mallorca for 2 euros, and takes about half an hour (tickets are bought on board). From there, walk 10 meters to the nearest bridge which connects directly to Avinguda Jaume III, on the left. See map for further details.
How to arrive from  hotel (Avinguda de Jaume III) to UIB campus:
First step is to walk to Plaza de España, see map.
  • bus: Take bus line number 19 (see map) from Plaza de España to campus. Other possible bus stops can be checked here. The cost is 1.25 euros, and it takes approximately 45 minutes to get to the campus.
  • metro (strongly recommended): Take the metro from Plaza de España (see map), walk down the stairs twice until you reach the platforms. There, take the first platform on the left (make sure you take the correct train by checking that its last stop is the university). The cost is 0.90 euros, and  it takes about 15 minutes (frequency of 15minutes for working days, 30 min. weekends; check here for more details). The tickets are bought in vendor machines, before descending to the platforms. It is important to retain the ticket because you need it to leave the metro station.
How to arrive from airport to UIB campus
  • taxi: take a taxi directly at the exit of the arrivals hall, and ask for the Universidad. It costs around 25-30 euros.
  • bus+metro: take bus line number 1 until Plaza de España, then take the metro line to the University campus (last stop). More information above.
Inside the campus:

Check this map to find the ways from the public transport to the conference rooms.  The "serveis cientificotècnics" complex is divided into three similar grey buildings plus the IFISC extension (brown). In the IFISC building (see map) you can find room n. 215 (third floor), together with the administrative office, where the workshop will take place.


Participants of the Complex Quantum Systems Workshop will stay in the hotel Almudaina, in Avinguda Jaume III, 9. Double rooms for single use will be booked with your name, with free internet and breakfast.

Other information
  • The workshop will start on Thursday 14th of October at 9:30 in room 215 (third level of IFISC building).
  • The IFISC building offers wireless internet connection. We will provide you with a username and password on arrival.
  • Coffees will be served in room 215.
  • Lunches will be served in Son Lledo restaurant.
  • The attendance certificates will be avalaible during the workshop.
  • The toilettes are located next to room 215 (third floor), where the workshop will mostly take place. In other floors there are also toilettes at the same exact position.
  • Guided tour: 19:15, Start in Almudaina Hotel entrance.
  • Dinner, 20:30 at APTC restaurant. (Location in Google Maps)