The OSA - IFISC Student Chapter is a group of Ph.D. students of IFISC (Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems, CSIC-UIB) and the Physics Department of the UIB (University of the Balearic Islands) with a broad spectrum of ongoing research for their Thesis but with a common interest in Optics. Our advisor is Dr. Roberta Zambrini.

The OSA (Optical Society of America) promotes the Student Chapters with the aim to establish collaboration networks with other students, participate in outreaching activities, and encourage the interest in optics of undergraduate students and the general public.

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Local comic artists using our Laser Graffiti

Over the last couple of months we have been building a laser graffiti set up thanks to the economic support of the OSA Youth Education grant and to the software provided for free by Theodore Watson (info and source code here).

We used the basic idea and upgraded the hardware. We want to show it in the Year of Light Exposition in Casal Solleric (Palma de Mallorca) next month and in many more places, but we couldn't wait and wanted to test it with professionals of the brush! So we invited some local comic artists to come to our research center one afternoon. After some warm up, they ended up drawing many things on the wall using nothing but light. Watch the videos and check it out for yourself.





Hope you liked it! The artists did, and we expect to use it in many other places for kids and grown up to draw using the light :D

IFISC-OSA Student Chapter | Developed by the IFISC Lab