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Science Word 2015

In the news

Science highlights      • Outreach activities

Science highlights

  • Press coverage for the kick-off meeting of the ADOPD project on adaptive optical dendrites (October 2020).
    Diario de Mallorca. [LINK (spanish)]

  • Comment about the Nobel prize in laser physics (October 2018).
    El Mundo. Baleópolis. [PDF (spanish)]

  • Interview on the press about AI (August 2018).
    Science et vie, nr. 1211, p. 86. [PDF (french)]

  • Viewpoint: Reservoir computing speeds up (February 2017).
    Author: Miguel C. Soriano (Physics 10, 12). [PDF (english)]

  • Research agreement signed between IFISC and Nuubo wearable medical technologies (July 2015).
    PI: Miguel C. Soriano and Claudio R. Mirasso. [PDF (spanish)]

  • Researchers of IFISC emphasize the merits of chaotic light sources. (April 2013).
    Authors: Miguel C. Soriano, Jordi Garcia-Ojalvo, Claudio R. Mirasso and Ingo Fischer. [PDF (spanish)]

  • Our manuscript on all-optical reservoir computing is published in Nature Communications and highlighted in the cover page of (January 2013).
    Authors: Daniel Brunner, Miguel C. Soriano, Claudio R. Mirasso and Ingo Fischer. [PDF (catalan)]

  • Our work in Photonic Reservoir Computing with optoelectronic systems is highlighted in Nature Physics News and Views. (April 2012). [PDF (english)]

  • The research project Phocus is funded by the European Commission within the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) in the domain of Future and Emerging Technologies (FET-Open). (April 2010). [PDF (spanish)]
    Key UIB members: Miguel C. Soriano and Claudio R. Mirasso.

  • Outreach activities

  • The photonics group of IFISC promotes the 2015 International Year of Light (April 2015). [PDF (spanish)]

  • The Science and Technology week at IFISC (November 2013). [PDF (catalan)]

  • High-school students visit IFISC during The Science and Technology week (November 2009). [PDF (catalan)]

  • About me

    Miguel's Photo

    Miguel Cornelles Soriano is a tenured scientist at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), currently based at the Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems (IFISC) in Mallorca (Spain).

    My research line covers topics of nonlinear dynamics and information processing based on reservoir computing.

    My research interests also include the experimental and theoretical study of semiconductor lasers subject to delayed optical feedback, and the experimental characterization and theoretical modelling of the synchronization properties of semiconductor lasers in the chaotic regime.

    Full CV in English [download]

    Edited book (July 2019) on "Photonic Reservoir Computing: Optical Recurrent Neural Networks" [info]

    Book Cover

    Edited Special Issue (2021) on "Trends in Reservoir Computing" [info]

    Edited Special Issue (2022) on "Ordinal and pattern-based quantifiers for nonlinear time series analysis" [info]

    Edited Special Issue (2023) on "Neural Network Learning With Photonics And For Photonic Circuit Design" [info]