IWSOS 2013
7th International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems
Palma de Mallorca, 9-10th of May, 2013

Accommodation in the following hotels can be booked through the travel agency Diplomatic Services at the following special rates per night (twin room for single use with breakfast included).

Early booking of accommodation is very highly recommended: There are several events during the same days in Palma de Mallorca.


Hotel name Category

(UR) Misión de San Miguel

TRYP Palma 4
(UR) Palacio Avenida 4
Almudaina 3
Palladium 3
Abelux 2


Availability is limited and prices are subject to changes. For price and availability contact:

Diplomatic Services

Esperanza Escandell

E-mail: esperanza@diplomatic-services.com  (Subject: IWSOS2013)

Web: www.diplomatic-services.com

Phone: +34-971-221004

Fax:  +34-971-738512