Mykhailo Moskalets Abstract's Talk

Mesoscopic circuits with single-electron sources

The dynamical scattering theory for a mesoscopic capacitor (a cavity in the quantum Hall effect regime) driven by the large amplitude potential at finite frequency is outlined. Such a capacitor can serve as a source of single electrons and holes which are well separated in time and space. With this source several types of electronic circuits are proposed and analyzed. When a capacitor emits particles into an edge state coupled to another edge states via a quantum point contact (QPC), then the shot noise is quantized in the sense that it is proportional to the number of particles, both electrons and holes, emitted during a period. If two capacitors are coupled to a QPC at different sides then the shot noise is suppressed when they emit particles simultaneously. Based on the effect of a shot-noise suppression in mesoscopic circuits comprising several single-particle sources we propose and analyze a method to compare states of emitted electrons. We analyze both a regularly emitting source and a stochastic source of electrons and holes. We show that collision of wave packets of a close shape at the QPC leads to a suppression of a current cross-correlator no matter which kind of sources are involved. This suppression effect takes place even if the incoming flows are noisy and/or if the wave-packets carry different number of particles. The noise suppression results from fermionic, due to the Pauli principle, positive correlations arising between colliding particles.
