Audrey Cottet Abstract's Talk

Inducing triplet superconducting correlations in a normal metal wire

Recently, the possibility of inducing triplet superconducting correlations with spin one in hybrid superconducting/ferromagnetic structures has been investigated theoretically and experimentally. Most of the features explored so far are quantitative. For example, it has been observed that, in certain conditions, ferromagnets can sustain a supercurrent on a much longer lenghtscale than expected. In these works, the triplet correlations with spin one appeared as the most plausible scenario for such a long-range superconducting proximity effect. However, it would be highly desirable to obtain qualitative experimental signatures of these unconventional correlations. Besides the supercurrent, the density of states would be a very interesting tool to probe the propagation of these correlations. In this work, we propose a new setup, where the superconducting correlations are induced in a normal metal wire in contact with a superconductor and several non-colinear ferromagnetic slabs. We describe the interfaces between the differents parts of the circuit with spin-dependent boundary conditions for isotropic superconducting Green's functions[1]. The spatial dependence of the density of states in the normal metal wire exibits qualitative features which are specific to triplet superconducting correlations with spin one. [1] A. Cottet, D. Huertas-Hernando, W. Belzig, and Y. V. Nazarov, Phys. Rev. B 80, 184511 (2009).
