Carlos Escudero
Contributed Talk
Origins of scaling relations in nonequilibrium growth
Scaling and hyperscaling laws provide exact relations among
critical exponents describing the behavior of a system in
criticality. For nonequilibrium growth models with a conserved
drift there exist few of them: the relation $\alpha +z=4$ thought
to be inexact and the laws $2\alpha+d+2=z$ and $2\alpha+d=z$ for
conserved and non-conserved noise respectively and attributed to
the conserved character of the drift. Herein we show that it is
possible to construct conserved surface growth equations for which
the relation $\alpha +z=4$ is exact in the renormalization group
sense and $2\alpha+d+2=z$ is strongly violated. We explain the
presence of scaling and hyperscaling laws in terms of the
existence of geometric principles dominating the dynamics.