Alan Kirman
Invited Talk
Epidemics of rules, information aggregation failure and market crashes
This short paper argues that rationally motivated coordination between agents is an im-
portant ingredient to understand the current economic crisis. We argue that changes in
parameters that model the structure of a macro-economy or financial markets are not ex-
ogenous but arise as agents adopt rules that appear to be the norm around them. For
example, if a rule is adopted by the ma jority of ones’ neighbors it will become acceptable
or, alternatively, if agents learn that changing their rule leads to greater gains, they will
modified their rules. However, as rules develop and spread they may have consequences at
the aggregate level which are not anticipated by individuals. These rules may be adopted
by implicit consensus as they turn out to be profitable for individuals, but they may also
weaken the constraints imposed by regulators. Indeed, the emergence of new rules or the
modification of old ones may render the whole system more fragile, which may then cease
to function. To illustrate this we develop a simple model, motivated by the 2007-2008
crisis in credit derivatives markets, to show how coordination on simple and apparently
profitable rules may cause a market to collapse.