Participant contribution
Global climate prediction: between weather forecasting and climate-change projections
- Author: F. J. Doblas, Institut Català de Ciències del Clima (IC3).
- Oral or poster: oral.
- Downloadable presentation/poster: click here.
- Abstract:
The climate seamless approach promotes the use of the same dynamical climate model across different time scales, ranging from simulations for a few months, typical of climate prediction, to those used to study the impact of anthropogenic climate change. This approach allows developing better models and increase the much-required confidence in climate predictions and climate-change projections. The seamless paradigm will be used to illustrate how global climate predictions are performed with dynamical climate models, including the generation of initial conditions, the type of information produced and what are the main scientific and computational near-future challenges to make substantial progress. The implications for the development and interpretation of operational global climate forecast systems will also be addressed.