from Tres Cantos to the Workshop

There are two options to arrive at the Workshop from both Hotel Quo Fierro and Hotel Holiday Inn Express Tres Cantos:

A) Train (8 min trip) + 15-20 min walk

B) Bus (10 min trip)


  1.      Tres Cantos train station is within walking distance from both hotels (how to go).
  2.      Take the train* (line C-4) heading to Parla (train timetable and map of train lines in the Madrid area).
  3.      Get off the train at Cantoblanco Universidad (2 stops).
  4.      15-min walk to the Workshop (campus map).

  1.      Take the bus* heading to Universidad Autónoma (route 827, schedule) in Avenida Encuartes (very close to the hotels; how to go).
  2.      Get off the bus at the first stop in Newton st., inside the UAM   campus.
  3.      2-min walk to the Workshop (campus map).

* Single train ticket from Tres Cantos to Cantoblanco Universidad costs 1.35€, and can be purchased at the train station.

10-rides train tickets are a good option for 7.40€.

* A single bus ticket costs 1.60€ and can be purchased inside the bus. Be aware that notes higher than 5€ are not accepted.

10-rides tickets can be purchased at a "Estanco" shop in Avda del Comercio 39, Tres Cantos. You must ask for a "BonoBus B1-B2", and it costs 10.00€.


Updated at: 2012-01-27 18:09:32
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