MAx Planck
Marco Patriarca Abstract's Talk

A statistical model for the study of dispersal, competition, and evolution of languages

For a realistic description of language evolution through space and time, there are various relevant factors to be taken into account. Starting from some statistical mechanical models discussed in [1,2], we construct a model which describes the dispersal, competition, and evolution processes of a system of interacting languages or cultural traits. Some simple examples are studied by numerical simulations. It is shown that the interplay of the language dynamics with other features, such as geographical inhomogeneities and population growth, can have a significant role in determining the final state of the system. [1] Marco Patriarca, Teemu Leppänen, Modeling language competition, Physica A 338 (2004) 296-299 [2] Marco Patriarca, Els Heinsalu, Influence of geography on language competition, Physica A 388 (2009) 174-186

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