The purpose of the workshop is to provide an opportunity to the researchers at both sides of the Atlantic to meet and discuss on several topics about the characterization of transport and mixing in the ocean, making use of recent advances and techniques arising from the study of non-linear dynamical systems. These include, among others, Lyapunov exponents, hyperbolic Lagrangian trajectories, and singularity analysis (microcanonical multifractal formalism). The meeting will address both practical (algorithms and measurements) and theoretical issues. The focus will be put on the study of oceanic processes, although some discussion about atmospheric dynamics will be introduced.
Topics: Nonautonomous dynamical systems and applications to transport in fluids; Lagrangian transport; characterization and measurement of mixing; advances in nonlinear techniques applied to remote sensing and in situ ocean data; numerical modelling and operational oceanography in general; atmospheric applications.
Click to get a pdf poster of the conference: Poster.pdf
*Satellite images from NASA and ESA