Participant contribution

Multiscale techniques for data fusion in remote sensing of the oceans

  • Author: A. Turiel, Insititut de Ciències del Mar, CSIC.

  • Names of other authors: M. Umbert, N. Hoareau, J. Ballabrera-Poy .

  • Oral or poster: oral.

  • Abstract:
    Remote sensing platforms have given us access to synoptic images (in fact, maps of scalar variables) of ocean surface and thus an accurate picture of many processes taking place at in the ocean at mesoscale and sub-mesoscale levels. However, there are still many acquisition issues for those images to give a complete picture of ocean surface dynamics: limited time or spatial resolution, phenomena precluding a continuous observation of sea surface (clouds, aerosols, rain or severe storms, etc), high noise level, etc

    During the last years a new branch of image processing has arisen with force, that of multiscale/multifractal systems. Different scalars submitted to the action of the ocean flow develop an identical inner structure that can be revealed by means of the appropriate analysis tools (singularity analysis). These tools allow for instance to characterize surface currents from snapshots of different scalars.

    In this work we go further away, with the introduction of a new method to blend different types of scalar in a single map of improved quality. The results are illustrated over Sea Surface Maps of the SMOS Mission.
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